833 CARTONS HANDICRAFTS OF ALUMINIUM, IRON - GLASS ARTWARES -DECORATIVE ROUND BOWL SET-2, CANDLE HOLDER, BALLS SET-4, ETC.- HS CODE- 76169990, 73269099, 70200090 AS PER INV NO. 349 DT. 19.05.2015 SB NO. 9658948 DT. 19.05.2015 IEC NO. 0588040142 NET WEIGHT- 5416.250 KGS FREIGH |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers UMA ENTERPRISES and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here 833 CARTONS HANDICRAFTS OF ALUMINIUM, IRON - GLASS ARTWARES -DECORATIVE ROUND BOWL SET-2, CANDLE HOLDER, BALLS SET-4, ETC.- HS CODE- 76169990, 73269099, 70200090 AS PER INV NO. 349 DT. 19.05.2015 SB NO. 9658948 DT. 19.05.2015 IEC NO. 0588040142 NET WEIGHT- 5416.250 KGS FREIGH, Mainly Exporter of US Import is KALA BHAWAN and Notify to J ASTENGO COMPANY for all custom shipping.