54 CTN ELECTRIC MOTOR, P/O NO PB18511-00,PA18510-00, 1468A339/Y5L271D02 864PCS 1468A338/Y5L271C53 1008PCS 1468A310/Y6L457C51 448PCS 1468A306/Y6L457D01L 4368PCS HS CODE 850140 S/C NO.HK0000F8J54 CTN ELECTRIC MOTOR, P/O NO PB18511-00,PA18510-00, 1468A339/Y5L271D02 864PCS 1468A3 |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers R V PRODUCTS DIV OF AIRXCEL INC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here 54 CTN ELECTRIC MOTOR, P/O NO PB18511-00,PA18510-00, 1468A339/Y5L271D02 864PCS 1468A338/Y5L271C53 1008PCS 1468A310/Y6L457C51 448PCS 1468A306/Y6L457D01L 4368PCS HS CODE 850140 S/C NO.HK0000F8J54 CTN ELECTRIC MOTOR, P/O NO PB18511-00,PA18510-00, 1468A339/Y5L271D02 864PCS 1468A3, Mainly Exporter of US Import is BROAD OCEAN MOTOR HONG KONG CO LTD and Notify to SEKO WORLD WIDE for all custom shipping.