MEN S WEARING APPAREL - ( SHIRTS ) PO NO ITEM NO U NITS CARTONS 52991767 71736 2,085 160 52989084 26484 6,2 44 454 52990066 54375 2,835 226 52990041 71862 2,669 205 52989894 26484 2,955 221 52991783 71714 2,537 193 TOT AL 19,325 1,459 COMMERCIAL INVOICE NO : SPL-234/1 |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers OSP GROUP and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here MEN S WEARING APPAREL - ( SHIRTS ) PO NO ITEM NO U NITS CARTONS 52991767 71736 2,085 160 52989084 26484 6,2 44 454 52990066 54375 2,835 226 52990041 71862 2,669 205 52989894 26484 2,955 221 52991783 71714 2,537 193 TOT AL 19,325 1,459 COMMERCIAL INVOICE NO : SPL-234/1, Mainly Exporter of US Import is SHERPAK PVT LTD and Notify to KING SIZE A DIVISION OF OSP GROUP for all custom shipping.