- GESU5970901 DESCRIPTION-103 PACKAGES CAR PARTS HS-CODES: 3902 1000, 3917 3900, 3917 4000, 3926 9097, 4009 1100, 4009 3100, 4016 9300, 7019 9000, 7318 1570, 7320 2081, 7326 9098, 8302 4900, 8307 9000, 8 |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers KAYSER AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS S EN C and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here - GESU5970901 DESCRIPTION-103 PACKAGES CAR PARTS HS-CODES: 3902 1000, 3917 3900, 3917 4000, 3926 9097, 4009 1100, 4009 3100, 4016 9300, 7019 9000, 7318 1570, 7320 2081, 7326 9098, 8302 4900, 8307 9000, 8, Mainly Exporter of US Import is A KAYSER AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEMS GMBH and Notify to N/A for all custom shipping.