Product Description :- | |
FOOTWEAR CONTAINING 4137 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR FACTORY OVERLAND DDE 21506094384 INV 032415; 032015; 035915 NW 4050.950KG GW 4337.800KG CTNS 347 PAIRS 4137 M3 42.740 NCM 64039990 RE 150783460001; 150783126001; 150843040001 CONTAINER HLXU6048960 TARE 4000 SEAL HLG0603807 | |
Bussiness Type : | Buyer or Importer |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers J CREWOPERATINGCORP 770BROADWAY NEWYORK USA and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here FOOTWEAR CONTAINING 4137 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR FACTORY OVERLAND DDE 21506094384 INV 032415; 032015; 035915 NW 4050.950KG GW 4337.800KG CTNS 347 PAIRS 4137 M3 42.740 NCM 64039990 RE 150783460001; 150783126001; 150843040001 CONTAINER HLXU6048960 TARE 4000 SEAL HLG0603807, Mainly Exporter of US Import is OVERLANDTRADES/A and Notify to RCS LOGISTICS NYC for all custom shipping. |
Weight : | 4338 |
Weight Unit: | K |
Pieces : | 347 |
Piece Unit : | PCS |
Shipping Date : | 7/21/2015 |
Address : |
Company Name : | OVERLANDTRADES/A |
Address : | RUAFLORIANOPOLIS 32 BOAVISTA-NOVOH AMBURGO-RS-BRAZIL PHONE 51 3593-6993 CNPJ 00 579 296/0001-47 |
Notify Party Name: | RCS LOGISTICS NYC |
Address : | 152-23150THAVENUE-SPRINGFIELDGARDE NS-NY-U S A PHONE 718-244-0800 |