Product Description :- | |
FOOTWEAR CONTAINING 2545 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR FACTORY OVERLAND DDE 21506075592 INV 030915 NW 2078.400KG GW 2248.200KG CTNS 212 PAIRS 2545 M3 27.200 RE 150772968001 NCM 64039990 CONTAINER CLHU3193610 TARE 2230 SEAL HLG0603804 | |
Bussiness Type : | Buyer or Importer |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers J CREWOPERATINGCORP 770BROADWAY NEWYORK USA and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here FOOTWEAR CONTAINING 2545 PAIRS OF FOOTWEAR FACTORY OVERLAND DDE 21506075592 INV 030915 NW 2078.400KG GW 2248.200KG CTNS 212 PAIRS 2545 M3 27.200 RE 150772968001 NCM 64039990 CONTAINER CLHU3193610 TARE 2230 SEAL HLG0603804, Mainly Exporter of US Import is OVERLANDTRADES/A and Notify to RCS LOGISTICS NYC for all custom shipping. |
Weight : | 2248 |
Weight Unit: | K |
Pieces : | 212 |
Piece Unit : | PCS |
Shipping Date : | 7/21/2015 |
Address : |
Company Name : | OVERLANDTRADES/A |
Address : | RUAFLORIANOPOLIS 32 BOAVISTA-NOVOH AMBURGO-RS-BRAZIL PHONE 51 3593-6993 CNPJ 00 579 296/0001-47 |
Notify Party Name: | RCS LOGISTICS NYC |
Address : | 152-23150THAVENUE-SPRINGFIELDGARDE NS-NY-U S A PHONE 718-244-0800 |