Product Description :- | |
PREPARATIONS FOR ICE CREAM HS CODE:2106909998 2008600060 2007996500 2008192000 2007996000 2008991800 2008191500 2008194000 1702304080 2008193020 2008110200 1808202010 2007911000 | |
Bussiness Type : | Buyer or Importer |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers FABBRI USA 1905 LLC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here PREPARATIONS FOR ICE CREAM HS CODE:2106909998 2008600060 2007996500 2008192000 2007996000 2008991800 2008191500 2008194000 1702304080 2008193020 2008110200 1808202010 2007911000, Mainly Exporter of US Import is FABBRI 1905 SPA and Notify to ALL WAYS FORWARDING for all custom shipping. |
Weight : | 21427 |
Weight Unit: | K |
Pieces : | 1669 |
Piece Unit : | PCS |
Shipping Date : | 7/17/2015 |
Company Name : | FABBRI USA 1905 LLC |
Address : | 57-01 49TH PALACE MASPETH 11378 US |
Company Name : | FABBRI 1905 SPA |
Address : | VIA EMILIA PONENTE 276 BOLOGNA 40132 IT |
Notify Party Name: | ALL WAYS FORWARDING |
Address : | 701 NEWARK AVENUE SUITE 300 ELIZABETH 07208 US |