Product Description :- | |
PLANTER GLASS FURNITURE TRAYS CANOPY TABLE TOPS SPARE PARTS HS: 39264000 70071980 94017900 94019030 94019080 94032080 94039010 94039090 | |
Bussiness Type : | Buyer or Importer |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers DEDON INC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here PLANTER GLASS FURNITURE TRAYS CANOPY TABLE TOPS SPARE PARTS HS: 39264000 70071980 94017900 94019030 94019080 94032080 94039010 94039090, Mainly Exporter of US Import is DEDON GMBH and Notify to N/A for all custom shipping. |
Weight : | 3704 |
Weight Unit: | KG |
Pieces : | 92 |
Piece Unit : | PCS |
Shipping Date : | 07-08-2015 |
Company Name : | DEDON INC |
Address : | 657-C BRIGHAM ROAD GREENSBORO NC 27409 US |
Company Name : | DEDON GMBH |
Notify Party Name: | N/A |
Address : | N/A |