1X20 ST CONTAINER TOTAL 332 PKGS THREE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO PKGS ONLY 100 VISCOSE PRINTED WOVEN WOMENS BLOUSE H.S.CODE NO.6206403030 PO NO.A04406,A04405 STYLE NO.L6563A,L6618A JOB NO.515044,515047,515040, 515040,515041, 515042 QUANTITY:15888PCS S/BILL NOS.1008037 DTD.4.6.20 |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers ATLAST SPORTSWEAR INC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here 1X20 ST CONTAINER TOTAL 332 PKGS THREE HUNDRED THIRTY TWO PKGS ONLY 100 VISCOSE PRINTED WOVEN WOMENS BLOUSE H.S.CODE NO.6206403030 PO NO.A04406,A04405 STYLE NO.L6563A,L6618A JOB NO.515044,515047,515040, 515040,515041, 515042 QUANTITY:15888PCS S/BILL NOS.1008037 DTD.4.6.20, Mainly Exporter of US Import is SHAHI EXPORT PVT LTD and Notify to ATLAST SPORTSWEAR INC for all custom shipping.