2440 CTN 2440 CTNS = 36600 PCS OF STADIUM TEAM BACKPACK PO STYLE CARTON QTY 0124857 5136881 120 1, 800 0124857 5136882 400 6, 000 0124857 5136891 140 2, 100 0124857 5136883 560 8, 400 0124857 5136890 560 8, 400 0124857 5136891 660 9, 900 HTS NUMBER 420292 420292 INV PKID1-AGR |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers AGRON INC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here 2440 CTN 2440 CTNS = 36600 PCS OF STADIUM TEAM BACKPACK PO STYLE CARTON QTY 0124857 5136881 120 1, 800 0124857 5136882 400 6, 000 0124857 5136891 140 2, 100 0124857 5136883 560 8, 400 0124857 5136890 560 8, 400 0124857 5136891 660 9, 900 HTS NUMBER 420292 420292 INV PKID1-AGR, Mainly Exporter of US Import is PT PUNGKOOK INDONESIA ONE and Notify to L E COPPERSMITH for all custom shipping.