OF AN OUTPUT EXCEEDING 7,5KVA BUT NOT EXCEEDING 75 - PACKGS. DIESEL GENERATING SETS MARKS:R0132A/001, R0132B/001-002,R0132C/ 001,R0132 D/001,R0132E/ 001,R0133A/001-003, R0133B/001-002,R0133C/ 001,R0133D/001 CARGA EN TRANSITO A BOLIVIA FLETE PAGADO |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers AGENCIAS GENERALES S A and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here OF AN OUTPUT EXCEEDING 7,5KVA BUT NOT EXCEEDING 75 - PACKGS. DIESEL GENERATING SETS MARKS:R0132A/001, R0132B/001-002,R0132C/ 001,R0132 D/001,R0132E/ 001,R0133A/001-003, R0133B/001-002,R0133C/ 001,R0133D/001 CARGA EN TRANSITO A BOLIVIA FLETE PAGADO, Mainly Exporter of US Import is W NIEMANN UEBERSEETRANSPORTE and Notify to INGENIERIA DE TRANSPORTES R L for all custom shipping.