740 CTNS = 6177 PAIRS PO NO 0111809753, 0111809799, 0111809818, 0111810779, 0111810852, 0111810860, 0112273046, 0112273724, 0112273770, 0112273789, 0112273810 CARGO RECEIVED DATE 05.05.2015 HS-CODE 64039993 |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers ADIDAS INDUSTRIAL S A DE C V and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here 740 CTNS = 6177 PAIRS PO NO 0111809753, 0111809799, 0111809818, 0111810779, 0111810852, 0111810860, 0112273046, 0112273724, 0112273770, 0112273789, 0112273810 CARGO RECEIVED DATE 05.05.2015 HS-CODE 64039993, Mainly Exporter of US Import is PANARUB INDUSTRIAL and Notify to ADIDAS INDUSTRIAL S A DE C V for all custom shipping.