F,29301,FSTAR BDR 1-1 2 POLYVIEW,UN SHIPPERS DESIRE TO STATE THAT PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM NO. 492769 560 CTNS 3360 PCS F,72419,ZECM FSTAR BDR1-1 2 POLY GRN,UN PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM NO. 738045 34 CTNS 204 PCS F,29538,FSTAR BDR 2 POLY ASST,UN PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM |
US Port Examiner is the free source of US Custom details provider. Visitor can get full access of US Importers ACCO BRANDS USA LLC and full product description of shipping product details as mentioned here F,29301,FSTAR BDR 1-1 2 POLYVIEW,UN SHIPPERS DESIRE TO STATE THAT PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM NO. 492769 560 CTNS 3360 PCS F,72419,ZECM FSTAR BDR1-1 2 POLY GRN,UN PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM NO. 738045 34 CTNS 204 PCS F,29538,FSTAR BDR 2 POLY ASST,UN PO NO. 4502123891 ITEM , Mainly Exporter of US Import is COMIX ASIA LIMITED and Notify to KUEHNE & NAGEL INC for all custom shipping.